Women's Ministry

Connect Groups

Women, no matter the stage of life they are in are always in need of support and encouragement.  From the frazzled young mom looking for adult conversation to the retiree who finally has some extra time on her hands.  We have a desire to connect with others who are like minded and a desire to learn about and share what God is doing in our lives.

Below are two opportunities for women to meet and connect.


TUESdays  10 A.M. - 11:30 A.M.   @ IAC      CHILDCARE provided

"ABC"  Stands for  Accepted, Beloved and Complete

Our desire is that you realize you are all of these things in Christ.

Beginning September 10, 2024

Our last study was:

Defined:  Who God Says You are by Stephen & Alex Kendrick

At this very moment, what you believe about your own purpose and value affects almost every area of your life—including how you think and feel, the way you react to circumstances, and how you approach God and your relationships. But what is guiding your core beliefs? Are these beliefs healthy and founded upon solid truth? Or are they constantly shifting with the opinions of others or your own emotions?

Based upon powerful insights from the book of Ephesians, and seasoned with personal stories and practical wisdom, Defined challenges you to let the One who knows you best be the One who guides your heart the most. It's time for all of us to live in the amazing light of His acceptance, abundance, and strength.

Hope to see you there!

Women of the Word Study Heaven Rules

Women of the Word

Mondays 10 AM  @ IAC

Women of the Word is a Bible Study designed for all ladies.

We are eager to connect with each other, learn more about God, and hold each other up in prayer.

Beginning September 19, 2024

Heaven Rules by Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth


Two little words---like "work layoffs," "treatment options," "family trouble"---are sometimes all it takes to throw life off balance. But God has a two-word response: heaven rules! He's in charge amid any crisis, conflict, or care. Using the Book of Daniel, DeMoss Wolgemuth demonstrates how to allow peace to reign by taking refuge in the Lord.

Women of excellence

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